Sexual Assault and Its Effects

Sexual assault is a violent act on a person of any age, sex or nationality; however, there is a misconception in society that females are the victims of sexual assault, but, males too are victimized.

The extent of suffering in the aftermath leaves unseen emotional scars throughout the victim’s life. Many don’t recognize their harms for years, believing that the odd in their behavior and the lack of confidence and self-esteem is part of their character and personality. Physical harm can damage internal organs, and can pose problems with a woman’s ability to bear children. There are other health problems such as Sexual Transmitted Disease, and the possibility to increase vulnerability to HIV.

After the assault, the person will find it difficult to distinguish feelings: anger, confusion, depression, sadness, frustration, and thoughts to harm oneself and even suicide. They too feel alone and unloved. Many victims blame themselves. Trusting anyone, close friends and relatives, becomes difficult. It’s not uncommon to see many resorting to alcohol and/or drugs to help them cope. As an outsider, it is difficult to understand the emotions that the person is feeling.

Healing from the assault becomes their journey, and the process is different for each person. It can be astounding to know the steps that one takes towards feeling safe and balanced. The loss of oneself is a horrific burden to carry. You feel alone, left to sort it out on your own. The path can be long and arduous towards freeing the individual from emotional, physical and financial chains.

The victim depends on family. Family support gives the victim hope, but members must be responsibile in helping their loved one through the crisis, because it won’t go away. For a time, you might be able to dismiss the assault as a bad experience, however there is a good chance that one day it will return and haunt you until you get treatment.

The healing process can take years of therapy to recapture the life that you led prior to the assault. Care and support is required. A victim needs to be reassured that they are not alone and they are loved.

It is an invisible evil and it is universal. You don’t have to go through it by yourself. Counseling is a must.
Healing from the assault becomes their journey, and the process is different for each person. It can be astounding to know the steps that one takes towards feeling safe and balanced. The loss of oneself is a horrific burden to carry. You feel alone, left to sort it out on your own. The path can be long and arduous towards freeing the individual from emotional, physical and financial chains.

The victim depends on family. Family support gives the victim hope, but members must be responsibile in helping their loved one through the crisis, because it won’t go away. For a time, you might be able to dismiss the assault as a bad experience, however there is a good chance that one day it will return and haunt you until you get treatment.

The healing process can take years of therapy to recapture the life that you led prior to the assault. Care and support is required. A victim needs to be reassured that they are not alone and they are loved.

It is an invisible evil and it is universal. You don’t have to go through it by yourself. Counseling is a must.



  1. Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women – are major public health problems and violations of women’s human rights.
  2. Recent global prevalence figures indicate that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.


World Health Organization (WHO)

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